ProHance - Case Study - GeBBs Healthcare Solutions

As one of the industry leaders, GeBBS Healthcare Solutions constantly wants to achieve high operational efficiency through improved business processes and performance. GeBBS chose ProHance in 2012 to baseline employee performance and help set benchmarks of acceptable work patterns. ProHance data helped GeBBS identify opportunities for process improvements thereby improving productivity. As the tool started driving key business metrics on productivity and time efficiency, ProHance adoption increased by 6X in GeBBS over a 5 year time period.

Following were some of the operational outcomes that GeBBS drove through ProHance:  

ñ Increase in Time on the system (TOS) by 1 hour per day, per employee

ñ Better work alignment to schedules

ñ Improved capacity utilization


It was essential for GeBBS operational leaders to measure organizational productivity at all levels. Little to no factual data in this area gave the managers and management alike, no visibility of how employees spent their time at work. Some of the key challenges that GeBBS was facing were:  

·  Lack of visibility on-time schedule adherences to logged hours and breaks

· Absence of a monitoring mechanism to measure time spent away from the system on activities such as training, feedback sessions, and team huddles

·  Insufficient data on current team and individual productivity levels

ProHance Solution:

ProHance was first deployed across 500 employees in India. As the company grew, ProHance as a productivity platform became intrinsic and part of the process to drive compliance and productivity throughout the organization. The success-driven by the key metrics in ProHance led to a 6X expansion in the employee base within 5 years. ProHance additionally helped drive the following outcomes in a short span of time:  

· Detailed analysis on business impact and productivity parameters to understand time spent on productive and non-productive work  

· Work load pattern analysis helped the managers understand the current workload and utilization of their teams

· Detailed the breakup of time spent away from system assisted the managers in cutting down unnecessary leakages and optimizing their training, team huddles, and feedback sessions.

The analysis from ProHance was used by GeBBS management to assist in redefining targets and benchmarks for all work activities across employees. This helped the managers keep track of work assigned versus accomplished for any given day to ensure that defined timelines and targets were met every day. Additionally, ProHance was used to identify skill gaps and plan training needs.


The organization was able to utilize ProHance effectively by driving key operational decisions through its stakeholders, which resulted in the following:  

·        ñ Increase in Time on the system (TOS) by 1-hour per day, per employee for one of their business verticals.  

·         ñ Better work alignment and workload distribution with a 15% improvement in utilization

·         ñ Provides quantifiable measures for schedule adherence.

“ProHance is an excellent workforce tool to track the usage and schedule adherence of associates for data processes. With this tool, we were able to gain 1 hour of productivity per associate. This has resulted in better workload and staffing management. It helps us measure the non-productive time of associates as the tool can tracklist of all activities being worked on.” Prasad Salian – Manager, WFM & MIS


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